Loan Program
The Revolving Loan and Grant Program (RLGP) is aimed at improving the utility and appearance of Downtown businesses while encouraging the leveraging of private investment which would otherwise not occur.
- The program provides up to $30,000 for a term of up to 10 years at two percent interest.
- Revolving loan program participation requires a 100 percent match by an authorized participating financial institution.
- The program also offers grants to those businesses financing at least $20,000, and completing exterior improvements.
If interested please contact city staff at
Download Guidelines Here
Main Street Revitalization

Many of the buildings pictured here are still on Main Street today. Most of them have been converted into residential properties but the City is working towards bringing businesses back to Main Street. If you are a property owner on Main Street looking to improve the exterior of your building or convert residential back to commercial, we have a loan program to help you accomplish your goals.